Schemas (schema play)

Have you seen your toddler constantly banging, pushing, swinging, or running in circles? Some of you may see it as your child just being silly but did you know that they are actually experimenting and learning the building blocks of the world around them. These repeated patterns of actions and play are called Play Schemas, … Continued

Learn more about the EYFS

At Curious Kind, we adopt the Uk’s Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework as a guideline to ensure a continuous provision for our children both indoors and outdoors. EYFS is the national statutory curriculum in the UK for children 0 to 5 years old. It is a wildly popular curriculum due to its play-based, open-ended … Continued

Screen Time In The Early Years

The right amount of screen time for children has long been a struggle for many parents. How much television or iPad time can we give our children is a common question amongst families. As with all things it is different for everyone, but screen time can definitely be beneficial in small doses as some shows … Continued